Operate remotely and streamline your intake process with Valant's integrated eSignature.

Valant's EHR provides a secure, seamless eSignature experience designed specifically for behavioral health.

With electronic signature capabilities integrated into your EHR, your behavioral health practice can save time, reduce errors, and maintain record hygiene by automatically attaching the signed documents to the patient record.

Fully integrated, HIPAA-compliant, and super flexible, Valant's eSignature functionality reduces the burden on your administrative team and enables you to customize your packets in whatever way best serves your practice.

Watch the demo video to see it in action.

Get a personalized demo.
Want to see exactly how Valant’s integrated eSignature functionality would work for your practice? We'll show you what it's like to build forms, create custom intake packets, send packets to your clients, and monitor outstanding requests inside Valant.

Please provide some additional information about your practice so we can customize your demo experience.

Ready to get started? Sign up now!

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Confidently adhere to HIPAA-compliancy regulations.


Customize forms any way you want with just a few clicks.


Save time, eliminate potential for error, and reduce your liability.

Ultimate flexibility to customize forms

Setting up your patient intake paperwork is a breeze.
  • Upload existing PDFs to use as a starting point or create from scratch.
  • Decide where to put signatures, date fields, check-boxes and more.
  • Group documents into custom packets for different client types.

Increased administrative efficiency

Because it's integrated in your EHR software, signed documents are automatically filed in the patient's chart, saving you time and eliminating room for error.

Easily monitor outstanding eSignature requests and trigger automated reminder emails right from the patient record.

Simple for your patients

Your clients will receive your eSignature request via email and complete their forms in the secure Patient Portal from any device they choose.

Completed paperwork is automatically sent back to your practice and added to their patient record. 

Signed forms are accessible by the patient anytime via the portal, minimizing their dependency on your staff if they would like to access it later.

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Joanna C.

"Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio!"

Stanley T.

"Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi."

David W.

"Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis!"